The Professional Woman’s


With Tripti Jain

The Professional Woman’s


With Tripti Jain


You can lose the weight all without dieting or working out, by harnessing the power of your mind and creating a weight loss plan you love. One that works with your real life as a busy professional woman with a family. 

We’ll work together to create your unique protocol for weight loss and you’ll learn the mindset tools you need so you can work with your mind (instead of against it) to lose weight and do so permanently.  

By the end of our work together, you will not only have lost a significant amount of weight, but will have the confidence and understanding of how to lose every pound you want and easily keep it off for good.

Hey there!

I’m Tripti Jain, and by taking you through my proven 5 step process to permanent weight loss, I will help you:


Lose the weight sustainably in a way that feels good to you with your busy lifestyle.


Lose all desire to overeat by harnessing the power of your mind.


Do so without crazy dieting or working out.


Work with your brain instead of against it so that keeping the weight off is permanent and the scale finally stays where you want it to be.

The same mind that gave you success in your career will also give you permanent success with your weight loss, too..

You just have to learn how to use it toward your weight loss.  

Together, we will walk through every step of the process so that you can harness the power of your mind and never gain the weight back again.

In just 6 months, we will work through the 5 steps to permanently lose 50 pounds of weight.

Create a Protocol You Love

Once you complete this step you will have a protocol for your weight loss journey and beyond, that fits into your busy life as a working professional, so you can see how you will actually lose the weight you want.

Follow Through on Your Protocol

Once you complete this step you will be equipped with the strategies you need so you know how to follow your plan in any situation that comes up in your life, so you can experience freedom around food.

Master Your Emotions

Once you complete this step you will know how to navigate your emotional life so you no longer have over desire for food and trust yourself to stay focused on your goal so you lose the weight.

Goal Weight Achieved

Once you complete this step, you will be knowledgeable, have practiced the tools and acquired the skills to reach your goal weight, and enjoy being 50 pounds lighter!

Maintain Permanent Weight Loss

Once you complete this step, you will know how to lean on yourself so your weight stays off for good.

As you journey through each step of the program, you’ll experience the lasting shift you have been waiting for that will give you the weight loss results you want.

Book your free, Lose 50 Pounds Permanently Breakthrough Call to talk to Tripti and discover if this program is the right fit for you.


“Tripti’s weight loss program is amazing. I lost 7 stubborn pounds in just a few weeks. She explains the science of weight loss and gives you a step by step method to implement. She holds you accountable and inspires you to stay on the journey and achieve your goals.”

-Happy Client


Here’s what’s included in this 6-Month Program:


Private 20-Min Coaching Call with Tripti Each Week

Throughout the six-month program, we’ll meet over Zoom every week for deep support to help you with every step of your weight loss journey.


Voxer and Email Coaching Support In-Between Sessions

You are fully supported throughout the entire process and have access to me for coaching support every step of the way.


The 50 Pounds Permanently Gone Video Course and Workbook inside the Client Portal

You will receive access to the client portal where you’ll watch educational videos and work your way through the workbook anytime day or night, on your schedule.


Simple weight loss plan for your busy lifestyle

You will receive a fully designed weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle. Included in this plan are your eating protocol, strategies for staying on track.


Any professional woman with a family who is ready to stop losing weight only to gain it back and is ready for a simple and permanent approach.

With the 50 Pounds Permanently Gone Method:


You will no longer be fad dieting or working out to lose the weight just to gain it all back.


You will no longer feel afraid of the scale as you won’t need it to tell you what you already know – your work attire fits perfectly day after day.


You’ll have freedom around food and be confidently following a simple plan designed specifically for your lifestyle as a busy professional woman.

It’s time you gave yourself a plan that is different from the rest—designed with a busy professional woman’s life in mind.

It’s time to harness the power of your mind and finally lose the 50 pounds you want permanently

Here’s how we’ll do it:

Create your simple, personalized weight loss plan that suits your busy lifestyle following my step-by-step program.

Get coaching from me each week to keep you sticking to your plan and seeing results.

Lose the weight and have the confidence that it’s GONE and you have freedom from food, no matter what your busy lifestyle puts in front of you.

It all starts with a free call with me.

Book your free, Lose 50 Pounds Permanently Breakthrough Call.

Grab the Free guide

5 Things That Keep Professional Women From Losing 50 Pounds Permanently

Learn the 5 things sabotaging your weight loss success right now so you can overcome them and be on your way to permanent weight loss as a busy professional woman with a family.